כניסות: 3652

img_0574When God commanded Abraham regarding circumcision, He said to him: "Walk before me and be whole" – complete. In many different eras, the Nations of the World have ridiculed us regarding our willingness to circumcise our sons, thereby blemishing them in their eyes. This verse shows the opposite, only by performing the Brit do we become whole, while those who do not are the blemished ones 

Is Man "whole"? Do we not need the "Life-Connection" which connects us to our God? When a baby is born, the umbilical cord which ties him to his mother disconnects, and on a different level, a much deeper one, the umbilical cord which ties his body to the one who created hmi disconnects as well. In the current state, nothing in the existence of the baby's body shows a need to reconnect this connection. The body is whole, and now he can start out on his life's path all by himself

But this is only a delusion. The body is not whole; it is simply closed and sealed like a fruit in its peel. The Brit Mila removes the "peel", and under it we discover how "open" the body is to receive life from the Source of Life, and how lacking the body is without this connection – which is the essence of man's status and honor