דוד דדון
מוהל מוסמך מטעם הוועדה הבין
משרדית של הרבנות הראשית
ומשרד הבריאות

נייד: 0528428721

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My experience of David Dadon

When it comes to choosing a mohel, you definitely want someone you can trust. It’s not exactly something that you are willing to take a risk with. For us, it was not so much a problem choosing a mohel as it was finding a mohel as we live in Karmiel and there aren’t so many around! It was also Rosh Hashanah and a 3 day chag so we had to find someone who was willing to come and be in the area for 3 days, just so that they could do the brit on 2nd day chag. Our tiny son was born just a few weeks after we had made aliyah, and so far we had been to just one brit where we saw a nice mohel, and when we enquired as to whether he could do it he recommended David.

I spoke to David on the phone just once before the brit, and he gave me some advice regarding what to bring to the brit and how to cure the jaundice. I followed his instructions and the jaundice vanished overnight. This definitely inspired confidence in me! We met David and his wife Sagit the day before the brit in shul, and they were very kind to us. I was nervous on the day [who wouldn’t be??!!] even though I have been through this just 18 months before with my older son [where I cried throughout the procedure!] but this time it was over so quickly, the baby barely made a squeak. David was masterfully quick and expert, the whole thing was over in a flash and the baby - who we named Yaron - healed beautifully.

One thing that really touched me about David was his genuine enjoyment of the mitzvah. When you do something many times, it’s easy to forget the kedushah [holiness] aspect of it. Even doing circumcisions can become a ritual, like everything else.  A busy mohel can make you feel as if they are doing you a favour. David however, was very dedicated to making the entire experience as special as he could for all of us. He was sincere in his actions and he spoke beautifully at our seudat mitzvah. He gave us the impression that he was honoured to be our mohel, and we were honoured to meet him.

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