דוד דדון
מוהל מוסמך מטעם הוועדה הבין
משרדית של הרבנות הראשית
ומשרד הבריאות

נייד: 0528428721

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Circumcision is not a mere medical procedure, but a spiritual status which lies at the heart of our identity as Jews

Deep love is revealed through the convent of circumcision. Like a wedding ring, the "Covenant of Circumcision" is a sign of the relationship between every Jewish soul and God.   Sagit and I established the "Covenant of Love" with the aspiration to assist the newborn baby's parents

Our objective is for parents to come to the Brit with an awareness of the deeper meanings of the Brit and at the same time, more at ease with respect to the physical procedure. This, of course, is while conducting the circumcision according to Jewish Law, according to the most rigorous professional and medical standards

In this aspect, "Covenant of love" offers a personal meeting with the newborn's parents, including a professional review of the physical and medical aspects and various anesthesia options to alleviate the baby

At the personal encounter it is essential for us to become acquainted with the parents, to be attentive to their needs, in order to allow them to express themselves during the Brit. During the meeting we explain the procedure and the inner meaning of the Brit according to Torah sources, Jewish mysticism and Hassidut

"Covenant of Love" is conscientious with respect to conducting the Brit according to tradition, while adhering to the most stringent professional standards

After the procedure, I leave the baby with no covering on the circumcised area, while loosely applying Kaltostat . This enables the absorption of secretions and falls off on its own within 48 hours. This process prevents complications and allows the baby to be comfortable and more relaxed

David is a qualified, highly experienced Circumciser, or Mohel in Hebrew. He has been recognized by the Chief Rabbinate's Israel Mohel Committee and the Ministry of Health. Sagit, a social worker by profession, provides the feminine perspective. She accompanies the newborn's mother  throughout the procedure while providing support and guidance as needed

After the Brit, we continue to accompany the parents in order to provide confidence during all the stages of the Brit and the recovery. For any question or problem, we are available any time of day or night

Once the Brit is performed, the birth has been completed, as the Godly soul and the physical body become one, in a holy covenant, a covenant of love









Covenant of Love

A Soulful Brit Mila

David Dadon

Certified Mohel, approved both by the Chief Rabbinate and the Ministry of Health

Certified Mohel Number: 815



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