Caring For The Baby After The Brit
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- כניסות: 7394
The excitement from the Brit is behind us and we turn our attention to the great mission of raising our child. With that said, during the first few days, we still need to concentrate on enabling the baby to heal, through simple treatment
Dressing After Circumcision
After the Brit, I leave the baby unbandaged, while gently applying Kaltostat, which enables absorption of secretions and falls off on its own within 48 hours
PainkillersFrom my experience, most babies do not need pain relievers after circumcision, but if the baby is crying excessively, it is possible to give him a dose of painkillers (i.e.: Acamoli, or Tiptipot Novimol for babies). In the event of continuous crying and restlessness (very rare), please contact me
Bathing and Diapering
During the first day after the Brit, you should refrain from washing the baby. When changing the diaper, wipe the secretions with "baby wipes", using a downward stroke
After a day it is permissible and advisable to wash the baby with running water. A regular "baby bath" can be done using baby soap, but be careful not to rub the area of the Brit
Vita Merfen
After the Kaltostat falls off, apply an antiseptic and soothing lotion, such as "Vita Merfen" or "Merfen Spray" on the organ at each diaper change, until healing is completed
The Recovery Process
Secretions: During the recovery process, a yellowish secretion accumulates on the area of the Brit. This is called "Fibrin", which is released naturally from the surrounding area of the Brit, which begins the scabbing and healing process. This secretion is not filled with puss, but rather is a natural part of the healing process. It does not wash off and disappears on its own within two to four weeks
Bleeding: Small blood spots on the baby's diaper during the first week following the Brit should not be of any concern
Outer Appearances - Some swelling may appear beneath the crown during the first few days after the Brit. This is normal and will go down on its own within a few days. During the baby's first year, the color of the crown will change bluish-purplish, until becoming the natural shade of skin color
An additional side effect, which is common among babies about three months of age, is an accumulation of fat around the thighs and around the organ, sometimes completely covering the crown. It's important to know that as the baby grows, the organ will gradually come out of this fatty covering, a process that will be naturally completed by the age of two or three. With this, when bathing the baby it is recommended to fold back this fatty tissue, and thus fully exposing the crown, in order to prevent infections
I recommend meeting for inspection and instruction 3-4 months after the Brit
Symptoms That Require Attention
There are several rare symptoms that require treatment when they appear. If there is significant bleeding from the circumcised area, contact me and I will stop the bleeding via a simple action
If the baby's temperature rises above 38 degrees, the baby is pale, lethargic or more irritable than expected - notify me and take the baby to the pediatrician as soon as possible
Based on my professional experience, meticulousness with respect to sterilization and keeping Kaltostat on, prevent complications due to the circumcision
If you have questions or if there is a problem, feel free to contact me at any hour- day or night
What to Bring to the Brit?
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- כניסות: 4934
5 cloth diapers
5 disposable diapers
Baby wipes
Tirosh: A sealed bottle of white grape juice
Wine goblet
Spices -Sephardic custom
2 Tallitot
Teffilin-Not on Saturday
Vita Merfen" or "Merfen Spray"-Available at most drug stores
Pediatric Pain Killer -i.e. Acamoli, Tiptipot Novimol
Preparing the Baby
- פרטים
- כניסות: 4817
Please finish feeding the baby about an hour before the Brit
It is recommended to give the baby one dose of pain killer (according to the baby's weight, and according to the medication's instruction guide) about half an hour prior to the Brit
It is customary to dress the baby in a festive manner
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