דוד דדון
מוהל מוסמך מטעם הוועדה הבין
משרדית של הרבנות הראשית
ומשרד הבריאות

נייד: 0528428721

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dsc_8617Circumcision is a moving and exceptional experience. As a father who circumcised his two sons, I am aware of the accompanying fears. With this, in order to reach the Brit in a more peaceful and calm way, one should prepare and become acquainted with the Brit procedure from both the physical and spiritual aspects

Preparation before the Brit

It is recommended to finish feeding the baby about one hour before the Brit, and provide a dose of pain relief about half an hour before the procedure. I clean and disinfect my hands, and prepare the tools that have been sterilized and were in a plastic bag until that moment


With the parents presence, I prepare the baby for the Brit by sterilizing the organ, changing the baby's diaper, and then laying him on the "Brit pillow", and then hand him over to his mother

The Brit

During the Brit there are several roles that can be given to your respected loved ones to share this sacred moment with them

The mother gives the baby to the usher until the father arrives. The father, while wearing a Talit, holds the baby and says "Hear O Israel…" and other verses, and the audience repeats after him

One of the guests has the honor of taking the baby from his father and putting him on the Chair of Elijah

I invite Elijah the prophet to the Brit and stand on my right hand side. It is customary that those present to beseech Elijah for good health, livelihood, or finding a suitable mate, since it is not at every moment that a person is able to be in the presence of an angel of God

 Then, the father takes the baby and puts him on the godfather's lap, And there it is, the moment of the Brit. I make the blessing of the circumcision, and immediately afterwards the father makes two blessings: To come into the "Brit of Abraham Avinu" and "Shehechianu". 

Usually by the time the father has completed the blessings, the Brit has been completed

Naming the baby

After the Brit, we make a blessing on the wine, the blessing of "The Maker of the Covenant" and announce the baby's name

 The mother and father invest much effort in selecting a name with constructive significance, and God induces them with His Holy spirit to assist them in selecting the most appropriate name

The Gomel Blessing

There are situations in life when a person looks back and evaluates, and understands what he has undergone, and this feeling leads to a profound feeling of deep gratitude for Who was responsible for the whole process

This feeling of gratitude breaks the pattern of "by chance" and of taking things for granted and enables us to thank He who has provided us with everything

Dear Mother, you carried your son in your womb for nine months, you underwent with him and for him, the strenuous and difficult experience of pregnancy and childbirth

Now is the time to feel true joy, to express gratitude and bless the Gomel blessing in the presence of others

After the circumcision I leave the baby without a covering on the area, and put Kaltostat without tightening it. This is to absorb the discharges and it falls off by itself within 48 hours

I guide the parents throughout the whole process of caring for the baby: washing, diaper changing and explain the healing process

Throughout the healing, I am available to the parents during all hours of the day and night. After the creation of the world, after the first Shabbat - the eighth day began, and with it a new chapter opened in the life of Man. Who disconnected from the womb of creation and entered the world in order to fulfill his mission in life and be partner with G-d in "Tikkun Olam", rectifying the world. The Brit on the eighth day is the first step in our rectifying job in this world.                         

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