דוד דדון
מוהל מוסמך מטעם הוועדה הבין
משרדית של הרבנות הראשית
ומשרד הבריאות

נייד: 0528428721

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ITAMAR_180The guests are watching, the mother is crying, the father stutters and mixes up the blessings, the Mohel is busy with his work… and the baby? Did anyone ask him if he wants this? Not really. The covenant between God and the Jewish People was made many generations before he was born and its validity will require many generations to come. Such an absolute connection, a connection of blood, is not dependant on consent or reasoning: It's a natural part of life – Just like people are born and people die, they are also circumcised

How strong is the connection between father and son at this time! For he too, wrapped in his tallit and teffillin, emotional and full of joy, was also placed on the Sandak's knees years ago. He also cried, he also wasn't asked, but today he is capable of showing everyone that he consents, that he fully and totally wants the Brit which was placed on his body. There is no better proof than the Brit which he is currently doing for his own son

Deganit & Howard Glick

Deganit & Howard Glick

My experience of David Dadon When it comes to choosing a mohel, you definitely want someone you can trust. It’s not exactly something that you are willing to take a risk...

קראו עוד

Preparing the Baby

Preparing the Baby

 Please finish feeding the baby about an hour before the Brit  It is recommended to give the baby one dose of pain killer (according to the baby's weight, and according to...

קראו עוד

The Mohel David Dadon provides an explan…

The Mohel David Dadon provides an explanation on the process of circumcision

Circumcision is a moving and exceptional experience. As a father who circumcised his two sons, I am aware of the accompanying fears. With this, in order to reach the Brit...

קראו עוד

ספר הכנה לברית להורים

 ספר הכנה לברית להורים

ברית המילה מתקרבת? אתם מתרגשים, רוצים ללמוד ולהתכונן למצווה הראשונה בחיי הבן שלכם, אבל לא מספיקים... מפחדים להגיע לברית בצורה חטופה, מתוך עייפות ,לחץ וטרדות, ולהרגיש החמצה שלא פתחתם ספר? ומה עם דבר תורה משמעותי...

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שיחת הכנה לברית

שיחת הכנה לברית

בהריון? 🤰🏼מצפים לבן?ויש לכם הרבה שאלות וחששות לגבי ברית המילה;האם זה כואב? האם זה מסוכן? איך בוחרים מוהל? על מה צריך להקפיד? שלום אני דוד דדון, מוהל מוסמך, ומוהל במשרד הבטחון...

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קראו עוד